Solar Solutions For

Residential :

Solar World, Karad offers a range of solar power solutions for residential accommodation which will be able to run appliances like TV, Fan, Lights, Cooler, small pump, computer and other electrical load.

Commercial Establishments & Industries :

Solar World has developed a complete solution to solve your current energy needs and reduce your monthly electricity bills. Solar power plants you can reduce your energy bills by 80%. In addition, you will benefit from carbon credits on the generated units. We synchronize solar power with grid electricity so as to help you get an uninterrupted supply of electricity.

Schools & Colleges :

Solar power solutions for Schools & Colleges will be able to run appliances used in day to day operation of schools & colleges like, computers, printers, lights, fans and other electrical load.

Hospitals & Health Clinics :

Solar power solutions for hospitals, health clinics, pathology labs and other medical facilities can run appliances used in their day to day operations like lights, fans, refrigerator, water heater and other medical equipments.

Banks & ATM :

Solar power solutions are gaining popularity for Bank Branches & ATM today. Solar solutions are now available at affordable prices. Bringing this technology into financial services applications is expected to bring cost savings and operational advantages to banks.

Petrol Pumps :

Solar World has developed solar power solutions for Petrol Pumps to provide continuous supply of power for smooth operations in cost effective manner. We can also provide hybrid system where solar power solution will be used as primary source of power and D.G./ Grid would be used as back-up to the solar power solution.

Centralized Solar Street Light System :

Solar World has developed a robust street lighting system specially designed for industries and large campuses. The system where all the panels are installed in one location and the electronics and batteries are installed in a control room. A highly efficiency inverter converts solar DC input power to single phase AC output power which is supplied to the street lights (and other lights) just like conventional grid based AC supply.

Stand alone Solar Street Light :

We offer a wide variety of solar street lights that cater to the needs of offices, educational institutions, highways and roads, hospitals, government organizations and gardens. These street lights are easy to install and maintainn in addition to being economical and completely environment friendly.

Solar Agriculture Irrigation Pump Solutions :

Uses MPPT technology to maximize water delivery at various solar energy levels without battery Water pumped in morning, evening & in cloudy weather at low speed / flow for over 12 hours per day can be used for both Monoblock or Submersible pumps. You can use existing pump setup so no need to buy new pump.